, author: Ermakova M.

10 Talking Birds That Make Awesome Pets

Many types of parrots, songbirds, and some starlings have the ability to imitate human speech, although not all of them make good pets. Each of these 10 birds has their own unique characteristics, but they are all great conversationalists and even better companions.

If you're looking for a talking bird to keep as a pet, you might be interested in the African Grey, Myna, Quaker Parrot, Cockatoo, or even the Budgerigar. When choosing the right talking bird for your family, consider not only their ability to talk, but also their size, lifespan, and care requirements.

Many species of parrots, songbirds, and some starlings have the ability to imitate human speech, although not all of them make good pets. Each of these 10 birds has their own unique characteristics, but they are all great conversationalists and even better companions.

African gray parrot

These magnificent - and very long-lived - parrots are well known for their ability to imitate human voices and other sounds. Of the two African Grays available, the Timne variety is said to be more conversational than the Congo gray. If you get an African Gray Parrot chick, just know that they most likely won't start talking until they are 1 or even 2 years old.

Sacred Maine

If you're unfamiliar with Sacred Myna - sometimes spelled myna - this small, crow-like bird is a member of the starling family native to South Asia. They can cause a storm of emotions. Maina can imitate various voices and is reported to learn up to 100 unique words. They are energetic birds that are very friendly when interacting from an early age. You are unlikely to find one in the average pet store, so you may need to find a breeder or dealer that sells mein.

pink-ringed parrot

Pink-ringed parakeets, also known as Indian ring-necked parakeets, are chatty parrots. They not only memorize words and phrases, but also like to whistle. These medium sized birds are bright green in color with an attractive ring of pink feathers around their necks. Like any pet bird, the rose-ringed parrot is a serious undertaking when it comes to their care requirements as well as their longevity; these birds can live up to 30 years or more.

Amazonian yellow-haired parrot

Of the more than 30 species of Amazon parrots, the yellow-haired variety is considered the most talkative. They are also very intelligent, cuddly and cheerful. However, since these birds are endangered in the wild, you should ensure that it is legal to own a captive-bred yellowfin Amazon in your country of residence. Experts warn that yellow-haired Amazon males can become a bit grouchy as they age, so they may not be the best choice for children. Double yellow-headed and turquoise parrots are two other types of Amazons that tend to talk a lot.

ara khana

Most macaws are very large birds, but the smallest of the group, Hana's macaw, is also one of the most talkative. However, these outgoing birds have big personalities packed into their small bodies. Ara Khana is cute, charming and smart to boot. In addition to teaching them how to say a few hundred words, you can also teach them complex tricks. Macaw parrots can reach adulthood at 50 years old.

Parrot Eclectus

Many birds that can talk tend to chatter even when not spoken to. However, the Eclectus parrot is a bird with a large vocabulary that does not make noise. This species is dimorphic, which means that males and females are visually unique. The males are bright green in color while the females are bright red with a black bill and purple undersides. Females of this species tend to be more confident and hardy, while males tend to be more wary.

Quaker parrot

With colorful plumage and an equally flamboyant personality, the Quaker Parakeet, sometimes referred to as the Quaker Parakeet, is a popular pet bird. Unfortunately, these birds are considered invasive, so they are not allowed to be owned everywhere: be sure to check before you try to acquire them. If you are lucky enough to get permission to keep one of these parrots, you will be rewarded. Not only can these little birds be great conversationalists, but they are incredibly smart and friendly. Just be aware that Quaker parrots can gnaw on furniture, so keep them happy and busy to prevent destructive behavior.


These small birds generally cannot learn as many words or phrases as larger parrot species, they have the ability and intelligence to speak. Most parrots start off by mimicking sounds, but with practice you can successfully train your parrot to repeat basic phrases. The parrot is also a great choice for children due to their gentle, social nature. Just note that they have much shorter lives than the larger parrot species. Their life expectancy is 10 to 15 years.


Many people may be surprised to learn that the budgerigar, also known as the budgerigar or just the budgerigar, can talk! Some enthusiasts boast that the budgerigar can talk just as well, if not better, than most talking parrots. In fact, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, the bird with the largest recorded vocabulary was a budgerigar named Puck, who learned approximately 1,728 words. Budgerigars are very social birds and work best in pairs, so it's best to take not one, but two budgies at once. Life expectancy - from 8 to 15 years.


Cockatoos are unknown for their speaking abilities, but they made the list because they can learn to talk. They can reportedly remember a few phrases or words, but are more likely to imitate sounds or whistles. These stunning birds are known to be very stubborn, which can make training difficult. You need to be persistent, patient and use positive reinforcement to get your cockatoo to talk.

Not all talking birds will talk

It is important to remember that every animal is different; not all members of a particular species or breed will have the same characteristics. This means that you can have a talking bird that just won't talk. Some birds also don't talk on their own and need patient, consistent training. The best ways to promote communication are to bond with your bird first, interact with it often, and use positive reinforcement training. But if your pet bird still has nothing to say, you can simply enjoy its company and communicate in other ways.


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