, author: Ermakova M.

Prince Harry did not receive an invitation to the birthday of Charles III

Do not wait at the celebration and his wife.

Photo source: social media

Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle were not invited to the birthday of the British king Charles III.

The former Prince Charles was born on November 14, and in keeping with the tradition of Windsor Castle, the celebration in honor of the monarch is celebrated in the summer

Last year, despite the already damaged relationship with the royal family, Elizabeth II called the Sussex spouses in their names.

This year, according to insiders, the king's aides have already sent invitations to everyone who needs it. Meghan and Harry didn't get them.

As the British media clarify, for Prince Harry, the absence of the monarch at the name day will be the first time, and this is just an indicator of the level of relations between the royals.
