, author: Plackhin A.

Taboo from stepmother:Queen Camilla opposed Prince Harry's return to London

The monarch's wife does not want a family reunion.

Photo source: Mike Coppola / gettyimages

A number of American and British media reported on the possible return of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to London.

Allegedly, the couple lost their stable financial situation and now intend to return under the fold of the family, and at the same time financial aid.

The projects of the Sussex spouses in the U.S. are really failing one after another. Recently, Spotify stopped cooperating with them, and Dior even preferred not to answer them.

In addition, Netflix is threatening to deprive the couple of fifty million dollars in royalties if they do not give content to create a continuation of the series "Harry and Meghan" in the near future.

Against this backdrop, returning to London and trying to reconcile with relatives looks quite logical. However, there is one "but".

According to royal expert Richard Palmer, Charles III is ready to accept his son and his wife, and somewhere deep down in his heart is even ready to forget all the old insults.

However, insiders refer to the fact that Queen Consort Camilla is strongly against the return of Harry and Meghan. And there are reasons for that.

First, Camilla will still remember that her stepson called her "evil stepmother" in his memoirs. Secondly, the appearance of the Sussexes in London could overshadow all other events, and Camilla is probably afraid of going into the shadows against them.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the monarch unconditionally trusts his wife and tries to listen to her opinion in everything. So if his son expresses a desire to return, Charles will in fact be caught between two fires, and he will have to make a very serious choice.

If he once again listens to Camilla, the chance for reconciliation with his son will definitely be lost, and perhaps this time permanently.

If the King agrees to the return of Harry and Meghan at the same time, he will put himself in a delicate position in his relations with his own wife.

But one thing is clear, in neither case, the monarch does not need scandals, of which there have been many around the royal family.

The most surprising thing is that the same insiders report a similar attitude towards the potential "returnees" on the part of another family. We are talking about Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Allegedly, William, as well as the King, will be happy to meet his younger brother, despite all the wrongs done to him and his family.

But Kate, according to rumors, took the news of the possible return of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle rather coldly.

How else could it be, if they are with her in the past years have always been a kind of rivals in the fight for the hearts of the British.

Now the wife of Prince William unchallenged leads the rating of the most favorite royals.

In general, the possible return of the rebellious couple from the U.S. to her native London will be welcome. But not by everyone.
