, author: Plackhin A.

"It's impossible for everyone to like you, you're not a Chanel bag"

The skater appeared before the audience in the image of Marilyn Monroe.

Yevgeny Plushenko's wife and producer Yana Rudkovskaya commented on Alina Zagitova's performance at the show program tournament. The skater presented a number in the image of Marilyn Monroe.

"Alina is experimenting a lot, looking for something new, they write about her all the time, she is constantly on the ear, there is interest, there is a hype. Yes, some people liked it, some people didn't like it. But it's impossible to please everyone, you're not a Chanel bag," Rudkovskaya wrote in her Telegram channel about the strengths of the performance.

Rudkovskaya also stressed that Zagitova needed to think through the details and rehearse more to hone everything to the millimeter.

"I dread to think what these people would do without me" - Alina Zagitova responded to criticism of the image of Marilyn Monroe
