, author: Ermakova M.

Ilya Averbukh: News about Roman Kostomarov sets in a positive mood

Earlier it was reported that the figure skater had a tracheostomy sewn up - no new operations are planned.

Choreographer Ilya Averbukh spoke about the condition of his friend figure skater Roman Kostomarov.

“The news about Roma really sets in a positive mood, there is cautious optimism, but I would not want to spread too much. I heard his voice - he sounded strong, motivating, causing great respect for him. He thanked all of us. But let's wait until Roma gets better , at least from some superstition," Averbukh said.

Previously, Kostomarov underwent several amputations due to developed necrosis. Now the figure skater is restoring the internal organs, preparing for rehabilitation and possible prosthetics.
