, author: Ermakova M.

Ilya Averbukh about the launch of the play

In addition, it is planned to restart "Carmen" with Evgenia Medvedeva.

Ilya Averbukh spoke about what performances he plans to show in the year of his 50th birthday.

"I still hope that in the autumn I will be able to show a pool of all performances in general, because this is my anniversary year. I would like to show Carmen as well. We already have a preliminary agreement that we will restart Carmen with Zhenya Medvedeva in "Romeo and Juliet" and, of course, "Anna Karenina" are also planned. With her, of course, the most difficult thing, because so far I cannot imagine a performance without the participation of Roma (Kostomarov). We all understand everything. I am very I hope that it will not be without his participation," Averbukh said.

Roman Kostomarov continues to be in the hospital. He was admitted to intensive care on January 10 with a severe form of pneumonia. Against the background of developed necrosis, the figure skater underwent several amputation operations. Now he is being prepared for prosthetics.