Divorce and emotions: how to cope with psychological crisis Why is it so hard to quickly let go of the situation and move on? Psychologist and forensic expert Ekaterina Franskevich shares her insights on how to cope with the psychological difficulties of divorce and start a new life. , Lady Time Saving Tips in the Kitchen: Quick and Effective Solutions The kitchen is a place where time can fly by. Discover the magic of culinary time management. You can cook deliciously, spending a minimum of time! , Lady Bridgerton-Style Birthday: Lopez Celebrates Half-Birthday With Pomp She turned 55 on July 24. , Lady How to Use a Relationship Break to Give Yourself a Quality Reboot A break in a relationship may seem like the end, but it's actually a unique opportunity for personal growth and reinvention. Psychologists share their advice on how to use this time to become the best version of yourself. , Lady In Fact: The Real Reasons Behind Marital Infidelity It would seem that there can be only one reason for infidelity in marriage - love has passed... However, everything is much more complicated and multifaceted. Experts will tell you more. , Lady From Genetics to Stress: Why Men Lose Hair and What to Do About It Going bald isn't necessarily inevitable. Let's look at the causes of hair loss in men and see what methods can help you preserve your hair. , Lady From Skin to Nails: How Jennifer Lopez Manages to Look So Good at 55 On July 24, the singer and actress celebrates her birthday. , Lady One-Way Game: How to Understand That You're Being Used? It can be very difficult to distinguish true loved ones from those who are with you only for the sake of profit. Expert advice will help you figure it out. , Lady Create a Masterpiece with Your Smartphone: Life Hacks for Great Photos Secrets to help you take exhibition-worthy photos using only your phone. , Hi-Tech What you need to know about cercariae and protection against them Cercariae larvae become a nightmare for many swimmers. Doctor Vera Serezhina from LabQuest told us how to avoid infection and stay healthy. , Lady Night sweats: recognizing hidden health problems Night sweats can be a harmless consequence of stress or heat, or a sign of serious illness. We spoke with doctor Mikhail Kutushov to find out what you should pay attention to and when you should see a doctor." , Lady Avoid breakdowns: how to extend the life of your car engine Extending the life of an engine by 100,000 km - is it possible? Yes, as long as you follow a few key care and maintenance guidelines. , Hi-Tech