Refreshing lemonade with mint: the perfect drink for summer The heat is on and we're all looking for ways to cool down. What could be better than a refreshing homemade mint lemonade? This easy recipe will help you create the perfect summer drink that will quench your thirst and lift your spirits. , Lady Morning Habits of Successful People: What Helps Them Be on Top Every morning is a chance to start the day right. Find out how billionaires and industry leaders start their day to stay on top. In this article, we will share the habits and rituals that help them be productive and successful. , Бизнес What gets in the way: psychological obstacles to starting a family The path to happiness is often difficult. And even those who sincerely want to start a family can sometimes hinder themselves in achieving this goal. An expert will tell you exactly how. , Lady Top 10 superfoods you need to add to your diet right now These foods contain huge amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that keep your body in great shape. , Lady How to Organize the Perfect Kids Birthday Party Every parent dreams of making their child's birthday special and memorable. But how can you do it so that both children and adults are happy? We have prepared a step-by-step plan for you that will help you organize the perfect children's birthday without unnecessary hassle and stress. , Lady How to Protect Yourself from Lightning: Unexpected Facts and Effective Meth When lightning appears on the horizon and thunder rumbles, it’s important to know how to protect yourself and your loved ones. In this article, we’ve collected unusual but reliable facts and tips to help you avoid thunderstorm-related dangers. , Lady How to understand that it is time to wear glasses? When is it really worth starting to wear glasses, what symptoms indicate deteriorating vision and how to prevent its further decline - experts answered questions that worry many. , Lady How to conquer the dark: techniques to get rid of fear of confined spaces Do dark, cramped spaces make you panic and feel helpless? Claustrophobia is not just a discomfort, it is a serious obstacle in everyday life. But there is a way out! We will tell you about methods and techniques that will help you overcome this fear and live life to the fullest. , Lady A difficult age: how to build harmonious relationships with teenage childre Finding the key to a growing child's heart will help experts. , Lady Secrets of long-lived people: what do they do differently? , Lady Jennifer Lopez's mother and sisters are urging her to divorce Ben Affleck The 54-year-old singer/actress' family are convinced she is "wasting time" trying to save her marriage to the 51-year-old actor/director. , Lady The psychology of productivity: how unfinished business helps us Unfinished tasks often make you feel anxious and uncomfortable. But what if those unfinished tasks could be your productivity engine? Learn how the Zeigarnik Effect helps us achieve more and manage our time more effectively. , Бизнес